As women we tend to wear a lot of hats and have many roles. If you're like me, it's easy to find yourself losing your identity in those roles. If I strip away all of those titles, what's left?
What remains is that I am a woman, and God created me that way. If I'm not spending time with the Lord each day being reminded of that, then I find myself getting lost in the things I need to do for each of those roles. I end up looking at my tasks, checking off what I can, and moving onto the next thing.
And we like to make our many jobs look good don't we ladies? We also want our many jobs to make us look good. We begin looking for our value and our worth in what we are doing, instead of in the word of God. We brag about our children's accomplishments; we work hard to have our houses cleaned, not to fight with our husbands (at least not in public), and misplace the work we are doing for the Lord for a relationship with Him.
Proverbs 31: 30 says, "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
God doesn't desire for us to do any old good thing, He desires us to be doing His good things. We can't do that if we're so busy with everything we feel we have to do that we can't hear what God is calling us to do. A relationship with the Lord includes a healthy fear of Him and who He is in our lives. It includes spending time with Him and listening to what He is calling you to do, even if it means giving up some of our titles and the praise and esteem that goes with them.
Trust who you are as a woman of God. Let Him fill you up until you overflow, and watch Him change every part of your life for the better. so that you are not just a woman, but a godly woman; not just a wife, but a godly wife; not just a mother, but a godly mother, etc. I think you get the idea.
Psalm 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."
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